Pink Flamingo Cinema, Marrickville

PINK FLAMINGO CINEMA is an independent cinema operating from Mothership Studios in Sydney’s thriving creative hub in Marrickville.
In late 2020, I was asked by Cinema Director Ingrid Dieckmann to overhaul Pink Flamingo’s existing Wordpress website to implement functionality for the upcoming Extremely Online film festival, which was being funded by Inner West Council as part of their Covid Relief Grants for Artists.
Ingrid had some knowledge of Wordpress but expressed despair that the old website was broken and she just didn’t have the time to fix it. She had clear ideas of how she wanted to new site to look and feel, making some use of existing collateral, but to also convey a grittier lo-fi edge.
The website design was based on the Ostende WordPress theme, and included features such as an animated banner for the Extremely Online film festival, Instagram feed, past events blog, and an embedded Vimeo live event viewing portal with chat function, where the film festival could be viewed.
Pink Flamingo Cinema site map
Long term goals for this website included adding blog pages for all past film screenings, a merch store, online ticketing system, and improvements to the online film festival live interface.
The Pink Flamingo Cinema has been on hiatus during 2024 whilst the cinema directors look for a new permanent home for the cinema. With the re-opening they will most likely choose to rebrand, refocus, and upgrade the website again.